The Ministry of Transportation and Communications inspected New Taipei City's MRT Circular Line and cited 21 issues that needed to be addressed on Jan. 5. Of the 21, the six that had to be improved before the line could start operating have already been completed. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-yih says he will discuss the official opening date with Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je after Ko returns to Taiwan. The line could start running test rides on the 19th, before Chinese New Year, at the earliest.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications inspected New Taipei City MRT's Circular Line on the 5th, and six of the 21 issues cited by the ministry have been resolved. Following his own inspection of the line, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih said the ministry has been notified and he will discuss with Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je the date for the line's opening when Ko returns to Taiwan.

We will be able to finish addressing these minor issues on the first day after Chinese New Year, or the day before the end of the holiday.

Construction on the line began in 2009. Like the Wenhu Line, the Circular Line is a driverless, medium-capacity system. Eight of the line's 14 stations are transfer stations, and four including New Taipei Industrial Park, Dapinglin, Jing'an, and Touqianzhuang have music corridors. Travelers will also be able to check in for flights and check in their luggage at New Taipei Industrial Park Station.

Once the line is up and running, travelers will be able to get their boarding passes and check in their luggage. Initially, it'll have to be done manually but the process will be automated down the line.

Hou says if the ministry grants approval on the 16th for the Circular Line to start operating, it can start running on the 19th at the earliest. The line will operate from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, and ridership in the first month will be free.


新北市長 侯友宜表示:「在農曆春節過的第一天,或是農曆春節結束假期的前一天,這些小缺點,我們能夠在哪個時間點,把它改善完畢。


2009年開始動工的新北環狀線與文湖線一樣都是無人駕駛的中運量捷運系統,全線都位於新北市境內,14座車站中,有8座可轉乘其他捷運路線 ,其中新北產業園區、大坪林、景安、及頭前莊站還設置了音樂通廊,而新北產業園區站內規劃的預辦登機行李托運服務也會在通車後一併開通。

新北市長 侯友宜表示:「在開放(通車)以後,我們會同時地,把預辦登機行李托運這一項的服務,把它做到位,當然目前可能先採取人工,漸漸的我們把它改進,用很快速的自動化,來做一個轉運服務。」


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